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In Anticipation of an Upcoming 2019 NFL Season, Dr. John F. Murray Has Just Published 4 New Extensive Articles on NFL Prediction and His Project to Show the How Vital Mental Performance is to Success.

See all 4 Articles Linked Below! 
Hello from Dr. John F. Murray!

I recently published 4 new articles that take you on my journey over the past 5 years in my passionate pursuit of what I believe will be the best prediction algorithm ever created for NFL Football. It derives its power from the value of mental performance, extensive research into 40 years of past games, and solid statistics. 

Please read 1 or read all 4 of these articles and let me know what you think.  I am thrilled by this pursuit and the results of 2018, the inagural year of making advance picks against the spread, was terrific. These articles will give you insight into just what I am doing and why I am so excited about how it is going and how many people this will ultimately help show the value of the mental game in sports!





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